Saturday, August 27, 2022

Some E-Bike Observations

I've not even been on the Nakto lately (busy and always worn out, it feels like), but I try to keep track of what's up in e-bike world.

I especially follow new projects at Indiegogo, because I'm on their email list anyway.

I'm not out to slam this project specifically -- in fact, there are several things I like about it -- but it does highlight some of the caution signals I'm always getting.

Freetech eBike: 175-Mile Range, 15-Min Charge

First thing first: What it doesn't say.

I had to dig into the "discussion" tab to find this: "Almost pulled the trigger, but no throttle option. :("

In the main body of the pitch, it just mentions three modes (eco, comfort, and sport) with descending range claims (175, 140, and 100 miles). No mention that it's 100% "pedal assist."

Then there are those range claims.

What's the maximum range of an e-bike? The battery life PLUS that of a regular bicycle: It will go as far as you are willing and able to pedal it once the battery runs out.

So let's just say I'm skeptical of the range claims I'm seeing. Even on bikes that do come with a "just use the motor" option, I never see a range specified for that. It's always just rosy claims that don't really explain how much of the work you'll be doing to get x miles out of the bike.

I happen to have tested that range on the Nakto, and know that I've got, IIRC, a little over 11 miles of travel if I don't want to do any pedaling. For any new bike I consider, I'll want an idea of how that compares.

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