11:13 -- OK, it's over. First impressions ... Rand Paul actually did pretty well, I thought. The only others who weren't complete wastes of time were Trump, Bush and Kasich. Not that I like any of them, but Trump was entertaining and Bush and Kasich tried to be substantive. Hopefully this wraps things up for Carson, Fiorina and Cruz, none of whom are anywhere near ready for prime time.
11:00 -- You're in front of Reagan's Air Force One. How will the world look difference when your Air Force One is in your presidential library?
Paul: Supported Reagan. I'm a Reagan conservative, with goal of peace, war as last resort and constitutionally.
Huckabee: I would like to leave the world a safe place for US and Israel because I threw more money at the US military than ever before. And I'd like to put every man, woman and child on welfare with the "fair" tax and get rid of abortion and make everyone do whatever cops say.
Rubio: Reagan understood America was unique. I'd fly Air Force One to our allies to carry a bunch of money. And to China and Russia to destabilize their governments. And I'd like it to land in a free Cuba even though I'm busting my ass to keep Castro in power.
Cruz: Reagan stood with our allies and I will too. And with Israel, even though nobody seriously thinks they're an ally. And I'll kill all TEH MOOSLIMS.
Carson: I was a radical Democrat before I listened to Ronald Reagan. I hope that I can be as logical as him to unite. Government is fiscally irresponsible is and hides it. I want to bring real leadership.
Trump: If I become president, we will do something really special. We'll make America greater than ever and will be respected like never before because I'm Donald Trump.
Bush: Six million more people are in poverty than when Obama was elected. The next president has a lot to deal with and must create a strategy of high economic growth. We need to lead the world.
Walker: I turned 13 just as Reagan was elected. He was an optimist. I am too. Send powers back to states and people. I took on the unions, and I'm going to pretend again that that has something to do with something.
Fiorina: America must be symbolized by Lady Liberty and Lady Justice. Now I am going to babble like a senile auctioneer for a little bit.
Kasich: I will make this a nation that will solve problems by having elected officials act like they've never, ever, ever before acted in history. I will rebuild relationships with allies. Finally, a little bit of Carly's psychobabble.
Christie: My first vote was for Ronald Reagan. A Christie presidency won't be about me, it will be about you. You're frustrated because you work hard and feel like the system is being gamed. I'll enforce the law, level the playing field. I will not shake hands with Iran.
10:34 -- Woman on the ten dollar bill?
Paul: Susan B. Anthony.
Huckabee: My wife.
Rubio: Rosa Parks.
Cruz: Wouldn't change ten, would change twenty to Rosa Parks.
Carson: My mother.
Trump: My daughter Ivanka, or Rosa Parks.
Bush: Margaret Thatcher ("Ronald Reagan's partner" -- I wonder if Nancy knows).
Walker: Clara Barton.
Fiorina: Wouldn't change the 10 or 20 dollar bill, it's just a gesture. Should recognize women are half the nation, not a special interest group.
Kasich: Mother Teresa.
Christie: Abigail Adams.
Ronald Reagan's Secret Service name was Rawhide. Yours?
Christie: Trueheart.
Kasich: Unit Two.
Fiorina: Secretariat.
Walker: Harley
Jeb: Everready.
Trump: Humble.
Carson: One nation.
Cruz: Cohiba.
Rubio: Gator.
Huck: Duck hunter:
Paul: Justice Never Sleeps.
10:28 -- Paul, Christie plans to re-criminalize marijuana. Would you? Paul: Americans don't like hypocrisy. There's at least one rich kid on this stage who smoked pot, but poor kids go to jail. I want more rehabilitation and less incarceration. The 10th Amendment says the states get to decide this (he leaves out the people too).
Bush: 40 years ago, I smoked marijuana. I admit it, even if my mom isn't happy about it. But we have a serious epidemic of drugs. Colorado should be a state decision, but drugs are a problem. Appropriate for government to play a consistent role.
Paul: Bush campaigned against medical marijuana. Kids get taken away and parents in jail, but Bush skated.
Jeb: I opposed medical marijuana on the ballot because it led to legalization, but supported the legislature making small concessions.
Christie: New Jersey is first state to not jail first-time non-violent drug users, just make them get "treatment." That doesn't mean we should be legalizing "gateway drugs." Drugs are not victimless crimes.
Paul: If they're going to enforce the federal law over the state law, they don't believe in the 10th Amendment. I would let Colorado decide for itself, not decide at the federal level.
Christie: I support medical marijuana, just not recreational.
Paul: Which part of 10th Amendment does Christie not understand?
Fiorina: I buried a child to drug addiction, so we need to "invest" in me running everyone else's life.
Bush, you want to keep guns away from people you say are mentally ill. How far do you take your anti-social tendency toward victim disarmament? Bush: Not very far, should be done by states and not by feds. In Florida we have background checks and condition concealed carry on a bureaucrat's permission.
Rubio: Pass all the gun laws you want, criminals will ignore it. The issue is not what people use to commit violence, but why are they committing violence. We need strong values, strong families. Obama is undermining all that.
Cruz, are you afraid of losing 2nd Amendment rights? Cruz: I have defended 2nd Amendment in front of Supreme Court and in US Senate. I am strongest supporter of 2nd on stage.
Trump, you're really rich. Christie says billionaires like you should not get Social Security. Do you agree? Trump: I'm OK with it, but I'd mostly leave it up to the people instead of making it policy.
Christie: Can't be voluntary, but with Donald in it's a good start. I want to save Social Security.
Rubio, will you be on climate change like Reagan was on ozone? Rubio: No, because it would destroy the economy.
Christie, what about you on climate change skeptics like Rubio? Christie: I don't think Rubio is a skeptic, and New Jersey has already met its 2020 emissions reduction goals. We shouldn't destroy our economy to chase some wild left-wing idea, but we can address climate change.
Rubio: I'm not a skeptic of climate change, I'm a skeptic of the changes the left wants us to make. They will not work, but they will hurt America. I am not in favor of making it harder for Americans to make a living.
Walker: Obama's Clean Climate Plan would cost Wisconsin thousands of manufacturing jobs.
Carson: Backlash against vaccines blamed for measles outbreak. Trump links vaccines to autism. Should Trump stop saying this. Carson: Numerous studies say no correlation between vaccines and autism. Some vaccines are important, some should be optional. Trump can make up his own mind about what to say.
Trump: Autism has become an epidemic. I favor vaccines, but I want smaller doses over a longer period. I've seen kids pumped full of vaccines, get fever, now autistic.
Carson: Trump's an OK doctor. The fact is it's well-documented that there's no autism associated with vaccinations, but yeah, we should reduce the amount over short time of vaccines.
Paul: Parents should have more discretion.
Huckabee: Next president ought to declare war on four diseases (cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes and heart disease).
10:11 -- Rubio: Radical Islam can't be solved by being smart. We have to be really, really dumb if we want to solve radical Islam. Also, I think that the Sinai is in Libya.
Huckabee: The intelligence has been doctored. If you don't have good intel, you can't make good decisions.
Walker, more US troops to ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Graham says you're not serious unless you'll do that. You say that the 3,000 troops there is enough. Are you serious? Walker: I said we need to lift the political restrictions Obama has put on troops, then listen to military experts and send them as much money and as many body bags as they demand.
Paul, you've said boots on ground to fight ISIS should be Arab boots. But there are only 4 or 5 of them after Obama send money to train them. Paul: If you want war, there are all those other candidates. That's not me. The first war in Iraq was a mistake, and I'm not making that mistake again. The Saudis are funding the jihadists, won't accept refugees, why are we always the patsies who have to go fight for them?
Kasich: I called for boots on the ground many months ago in coalition with allies. The bigger war is battle of ideas. We need to call out Jewish and Christian principles in defense of western civilization.
Fiorina: We need an even bigger military.
Bush, Cruz criticized your brother for appointing Roberts to SCOTUS. Is he right? Bush: Cruz supported Roberts. We need justices with record of upholding Constitution. Recent history is appointing people with no record. We need to change that.
Cruz: I've known Roberts for 20 years, but he was a bad pick for SCOTUS. Conservatives are frustrated because we keep winning elections and then screwing up SCOTUS appointments and now TEH GAYZ CAN GET MARRIED, OMG!
Bush: You're rewriting history, Cruz. But we do need better justices.
Cruz: I wouldn't have appointed Roberts, but yes, I did support his confirmation once he was appointed.
Huck, will you have a SCOTUS litmus test? Huck: Oh, yeah. Abortion. Do you believe that Kim Davis should get to keep collecting her paycheck without doing her job? Do you support the right to bear arms? Do you support the 5th and 14th Amendment (as I want to apply them to abortion). And do you support states rights (he left the "people" part of the 10th amendment out).
9:52 -- Trump, Rubio says he's concerned that you don't know the names of everyone in Iran and therefore can't be CINC. Trump: Hewitt apologized for quizzing me on names and mispronouncing stuff. He gave me name after name and few people would know all those names. I will have finest team and we will solve problems.
Rubio: If you're running for president, you need to memorize the Tehran phone book. And also Beijing's and Pyongyang's and Moscow's. I will memorize all the names and try to look Kennedyesque, and that's what we need in a CINC. Oh, and someone who throws money at our bloated military and at Israel.
Trump: Rubio has worst voting record (absentee) in Senate, and I will learn those phone books.
Rubio: Yeah, I've missed some votes because the establishment is out of touch. I'm leaving Senate, running for president.
Bush, you said you're not burdened by your name, but then took on the same advisors as those other Bushes had. WTF? Bush: If you're looking at Republican advisors, you have to get them from the last two Republican administrations, which are my dad and my brother. But I'm my own man. US needs to lead the world by throwing more and more and more money at the military and at the people who spy on Americans and torture brown people.
Trump, you promised us great leaders, Bush has a list. When will you give us names? Trump: I'm meeting people. I'm the only person on this stage who fought against us going into Iraq. I'm militaristic, but you have to know when to use the military. (Paul interjects, Trump mutters something about his 1%).
Bush: When Trump talks about judgment, he thought Hillary Clinton was good negotiator. He doesn't understand the way the world works.
Trump: Your brother gave us Obama because he was such a disaster, Abraham Lincoln couldn't have won after him.
Jeb: My brother kept us safe. Remember 9/11? He kept us safe. Errrrrrrr ....
Walker: Obama is to blame for everything, Dubyah was good to go. And now I'm going to pretend again that fighting unions in Wisconsin is like fighting a war as national CINC.
Paul: I was opposed to Iraq war, I was opposed to Syrian war, I was opposed to arming our enemies. When we complain about Iran, remember it was the Iraq war that empowered Iran. We're still paying for W's idiocy and now idiots are talking about toppling Assad.
Bush: The lesson of history is that anytime me or someone from my family fucks things up badly, we should blame the Democrats and see if we can drown the noise out with the sound of some more Americans getting killed by our stupidity.
Rubio: The belief that not acting like idiots is a good idea has been disproven over and over by experience. When we act like idiots, good things happen. I promise to be the most idiotic president ever.
Carson: I suggested to Bush that he not go to war in Iraq. But what cause Islamic jihadism wasn't invading Iraq, it was pulling out of Iraq. We have to be mature enough to recognize that Osama bin Laden is hiding under our beds, and just fork all of our cash over to the Pentagon.
Christie, 14th anniversary of 9/11 attacks. Carson wouldn't have gone to war in Afghanistan. What do you think? Christie: I was made US Attorney on 9/10/01. Couldn't reach my wife who worked near WTC on 9/11. Scary. What the dead people of 9/11 wanted was for us to lose two ground wars in Asia and turn America into a police state.
Carson: Loved Dubya, good friend. I didn't suggest that nothing be done, I suggested that Dubya should be Kennedyesque and use bully pulpit like the space race to become petroleum-independent. That would have made the ayrabs turn over bin Laden.
Christie: Screw subtle diplomacy. You need a leader who will always find a reason to go to war, and I will.
Carson: No argument with strong leader and aggression where it's needed, but it's not needed in every circumstance.
9:38 -- Huckabee, raise taxes on hedge fund managers? Huck: I think we should get rid of all taxes on people who produce, and instead go with the "fair" tax so we can kill the economy and put every man, woman and child in America on a monthly federal welfare check. Reagan didn't get elected bragging how great HE was, but by telling American people how great they were.
Carson, you support scrapping tax code and replacing it with tithing-based flat tax of 10%. Trump wants progressive taxation. Why is Trump wrong? Carson: It's all about America. Trump is advocating socialism. But I might be dumb enough to go for the "fair" tax too.
Trump, what do you think of flat tax? Trump: We've had graduated tax for years, that's not socialism. I know people making lots of money, paying very little tax, not fair.
Paul: Our jobs are being chased overseas by the tax code. I want a flat 14.5% rate for everyone, everything, no more payroll taxes.
Walker, Carson wants to raise minimum wage, why is that lame? Walker: It's all about jobs, you wanna help people get jobs, but not government jobs like I've spent the last 30 years in, everyone else should have to actually work for a living to make my schemes function. I'm only one with plan to repeal ObamaCare on day one.
Carson, Walker didn't really answer question. What do you think? Carson: I said "probably" or "possibly" about raising minimum wage, but we need to negotiate reasonable minimum wage and index it so that we never have to have this discussion again. Except we need two minimum wages.
Walker: I did too answer! Answer isn't minimum wage, answer is to get everyone except me to get real jobs.
Kasich, you don't attack Clinton. Fiorina, you do attack Clinton. Which is right? Kasich: I'm busy introducing myself, no time to attack Clinton. Fiorina: People spend a lot of time talking about track records, and Hillary has to defend hers of lying about various things.
Christie: Who's gonna prosecute Hillary Clinton? I will, during debates.