Monday, March 07, 2022

The Question Isn't What You Did, It's Will You Keep Doing It?

In the past, whenever I've criticized the Mises PAC (dba the "Mises Caucus"), one of the most common responses is "they're not anti-libertarian -- I'm a libertarian and I'm a 'member!'"

That's often true, and I've never doubted it. A number of libertarians have been conned, duped, and used by the Mises PAC. Some of those libertarians are friends of mine whose libertarianism I've never had occasion to doubt.

But now the situation has clarified itself beyond any reasonable doubt.

In New Hampshire, the Mises PAC busted its ass to nominate a toxic gubernatorial candidate who would scare away third-party-receptive voters by e.g. claiming that the Jews died in the Holocaust because they decided to and that Hitler went to heaven, so that Christopher Sununu would have an easier time getting elected.

In Pennsylvania, the Mises PAC busted its ass to nominate a toxic gubernatorial candidate who was convicted of masturbating in front of pre-teen girls and whose previous claim to fame is serving as Rudy Giuliani's meat puppet in a "Big Lie" press conference. Then when it turned out he was ineligible, they busted their asses to ensure that the Libertarian Party would have no candidate at all in the gubernatorial election.

The Mises PAC is a GOP "infiltrate and neuter" operation aimed at ensuring there aren't any libertarian alternatives to whatever authoritarians the Republican Party puts up for various offices. That's its goal. That's its purpose. It's just another page from the "nominate fake Green Party candidates to siphon off Democratic votes" playbook.

Now that the Mises PAC's true objective has been openly revealed, will you allow yourself to continue to be conned, duped, and used against the Libertarian Party and the libertarian movement?

If you're still a libertarian after the time you've spent rolling around in the Mises PAC manure pile, the answer will be no.