Saturday, March 05, 2022

An Unusual Cryptocurrency Occurrence

I don't hold a lot of crypto, but what I do hold on to, I try to spend when the US dollar price is higher rather than lower, for obvious reasons.

Over the years, I've noticed a predictable trend: If I think the market is at its top and decide to spend some, within 24 hours or so it goes on a romp and makes me regret not waiting.

This last few days is the first time I've noticed the opposite.

There's a particular bill I have to pay each year, coming to (currently) $360. The recipient cheerfully accepts specified gift cards that I purchase with Bitcoin, and this year he was equally cheerful when I asked him if he'd mind waiting until Bitcoin got back up to $50k (which I didn't expect to take long, but which has).

The other day, I noticed that Bitcoin was in the $45k range and decided not to wait. Got him paid off, and sat back for the inevitable surge to $60k or so.

Instead, it immediately started been dropping (it's at about $39k as I write this).

It's like the sun rising in the southwest or something.

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