Tuesday, February 22, 2022

I've Been Experimenting with CBD ...

... since I don't want to pay money and go into a database to get a "medical marijuana" card, and it seems like it might be helpful without THC being attached to it.

I participated in a CBD trial for chronic pain -- one capsule with, IIRC, 40mg of CBD in it each morning, a second capsule optional. I only took two capsules one time. I subjectively noticed (and reported in my logs) a slight reduction in my chronic back pain. What I noticed more -- and which the trial also asked about -- was that my sleep seemed to improve. I got to sleep more easily, slept longer without interrupting wake-ups, and felt more rested. That was especially true the one time I took a second capsule a couple of hours before going to bed instead of just the one in the morning.

Now that the trial's over, I've bought a pack of CBD cigarettes. I tried those once before and thought they were helpful, but now I'm making sure to smoke one about 15 minutes before bedtime. And instead of a lot of tossing, turning, etc., I'm off to sleep pretty quickly. I normally put on some random music ("Alexa, play songs by the Grateful Dead") when going to bed, and often hear a lot of songs before drifting off. Since I started the CBD, I've switched to asking for particular albums, and I have yet to make it through an entire album before falling asleep.

So, it seems to work pretty well for me. But I'm told that for the sleep application, CBN works even better. So I may give that a try.

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