Monday, July 13, 2020

OK, It's Suggestion Time

With YOUR support and financial assistance, I've completed two terms on the Libertarian Party's national Platform Committee.

I think two terms -- at least in a row -- is enough.

When I look around this party, I see many of the same faces, doing many of the same things, as when I joined the party in 1996.

For example, offhand, I noticed no fewer than three former chairs of the Libertarian National Committee, dating back as far as that year of 1996, running for LNC positions this year.

There's something to be said for institutional memory.

There's also something to be said for getting the hell out of the way and newer/younger activists take the wheel.

I'm not saying I'll never, ever, ever seek to serve on the platform committee again, but it seems like a break is in order.

I've been a regional alternate on the LNC. I've served on the Judicial Committee. I've served on the Platform Committee. I've also been a county committee member, county committee vice-chair, county committee chair, state executive committee member, and state rules committee member. I think I may have served a term as a county secretary, too, but I honestly don't remember. That's not counting the number of times I've been a candidate for public office, or a volunteer or staffer on a campaign for same.

National committees I haven't served on include: Bylaws and Rules, Advertising & Publication Review, Affiliate Support, Audit, Awards, Ballot Access, Candidate Support, Convention Oversight, Employment Policy & Compensation, Historical Preservation, Information Technology, Blockchain, Convention Voting Process, Membership Support, and Youth Engagement.

Some of those committees I'm more interested in, some less so. Some of those committees I'm more qualified for, some less so.

I'm going to go ahead and veto Audit, Employment Policy & Compensation, Blockchain, and Youth Engagement. None of those play to any particular strengths I have.

I'm not an IT expert, but I'm not sure how much of one I'd NEED to be to serve on the Information Technology Committee. I may ask one of the current members about that.

I've bellyached about Convention Oversight enough that I feel obligated to help do the work at some point ... but that work involves some significant financial commitment, since it involves visits to potential convention sites, etc.

Since you guys are my party activism financiers, I'm asking ... what do YOU think I should do? The national committees above are not my only options. I might do something with my state or local party, or non-party movement stuff. I'm interested in your opinions.