Friday, August 23, 2019

So I'm Doing This Thing ...

I've walked and biked hundreds (heck, maybe thousands by now -- I got my "500 Mile Club" t-shirt a long time ago) of miles to raise money for charity using the Charity Miles phone app. Every time I log a walk or cycling session, a sponsor donates.

Now there's an additional "pledge tool." My friends pledge some amount per mile, and if I make the goal by the deadline, they contribute that amount to Habitat For Humanity.

My goal is to bike 500 miles before the end of the year. I'm at 32 miles at the moment, and starting to pick up the pace (I need to average around five miles per day by the end of the year to make the goal; my exercise goal is to work back up to 10 miles per day, five days a week; so if I make the latter, I'll certainly make the former).

If you support Habitat For Humanity's mission -- building homes for the poor, more than 800,000 of them so far -- you can help with that commission AND motivate me to exercise more by pledging a few cents per mile (a five cent per mile pledge would come to $25 total).

Here's where you go to pledge.

Thanks in advance.

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