ACORN Crackdown: Undercover Investigation Heats Up in Calif.
ACORN Watch: A "Sting"-ing Indictment of Media Hypocrisy
The Latest & Greatest Excuse from ACORN
Those are all headlines over at Townhall.Com, "The Source for Conservative Political News, Cartoons, Issues and Blogs."
Conservatives are making hay with a "sting operation" which exposes ACORN, a lefty "community organizing" group, as its operatives advise a putative prostitute and pimp on how to avoid taxes and fleece the government out of money. Good stuff.
Camera Two
Brief excerpts from an email I received this morning from Town Hall, hawking a "wealth-building" newsletter:
From: Townhall Spotlight
To: "Thomas Knapp"
Subject: Get a "Raise" even if you don't work
Dear Reader,
Thanks to two insiders at Social Security headquarters, and several University studies ...
We have exposed a series of "loopholes" in the Social Security system, which could pay you an extra $1,100 or more per month ... EVERY year you are retired.
We interviewed 70-year-old retiree Jim Roth, who used this loophole to boost his Social Security checks by $1,033 per month. When we met Jim in his hometown, he told us: "It's free money from the government."
* How to slash -- or even eliminate altogether -- the taxes you pay on social security.
Well, at least Town Hall doesn't get federal funding. That I know of.