While I'm wearing my "promote my candidate" and "feature the candidates" hat, might as well make it easy for those of you who want to hear debate audio:
- Steve Kubby debates Wayne Allyn Root on The Liberated Space [MP3]
- Steve Kubby debates George Phillies on The Liberated Space, 03/08/07 [MP3]
- Multi-candidate debate at the 2007 Nevada LP convention, 02/10/07 [MP3 1] [MP3 2]
- Third party presidential debate including Libertarian candidates Steve Kubby, George Phillies and Wayne Allyn Root, as well as Green candidates Alan Augustson and kat swift. 06/27/07, 7pm Eastern on M2K Radio (various formats, and the debate will be archived)
- Steve Kubby debates Christine Smith on The Liberated Space. 07/12/07, 4:30pm Pacific (various formats, and the debate will be archived)
I'll post other events as they are scheduled. Let me know of them when you hear they're coming!