For the past few years, I've auctioned off the front-page, top ad space at Rational Review each December, for the following year, with a reserve price of $100. This year, I'm doing a few things differently:
- The auction is for 23 months of advertising -- February 1, 2005 thru December 31st, 2006. The space in question receives betwee 5,000 and 10,000 unique visitors each month, more when we're running a lot of original on-site material (we will be getting back to that soon, and I have a goal of averaging 20,000 unique visitors per month by the end of the year).
- The winner's ad (which can be changed up to once a month) will also appear at the bottom of this page (the Knappster blog).
- I'm guaranteeing the buyer an additional 2,300 visits to their site, above and beyond what they get via ad click-thrus -- I'll buy visits from a broker or use "traffic exchange" credits to their site. Maybe 100 visits a month, maybe 2,300 all at once ... we can work it out!
- The reserve price is $200 -- no lower bids accepted.
- The auction ends at midnight, Saturday, January 15th.
Anyway, click here for more details, or submit your bid by email to me at thomaslknapp at