Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sittin' downtown at the railway station

I've only been equipped for a short while now, computer- and connection-wise, to watch live "Internet TV," but OverGround RailRoad is definitely one of my favorites. So when Michelle Shinghal called me last week to ask if I'd be a guest, I was happy to say yes.

Due to some pre-show communication problems, I wasn't sure what topics would be addressed, and therefore wasn't as prepared as I would like to have been (the as-usual result there is that I make some verbal stumbles, like saying "black" when I mean "white" or "politicians" when I mean "libertarians," along with more "uhs" and "ums" than I care to admit to). Also, the first part of the interview got pranged before it could be archived. But it was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping to make another appearance there soon. Brighton and Jason are a couple of the coolest hosts I've ever dealt with in any format.

Anyway, for those who are interested, here's the archived video, which starts right in the middle of my lengthy reply to Jason on a question of about "Peckerwood Populism."