
Friday, May 31, 2024

Post-Convention Note #3

I've never been to a Libertarian National Convention where there weren't "winners" and "losers." And at most Libertarian National Conventions, the results are very mixed such that most "winners" are also "losers" and vice versa.

This convention was no exception.

For example, the Mises Caucus slate saw its endorsed chair and secretary candidates re-elected, but lost in the races for vice-chair and treasurer; it did well in regional LNC representative races and, I'm pretty sure, swept the at-large seats; and its chosen presidential candidate lost in a nail-biter after the guy it thought it had a deal with endorsed his opponent and took the VP slot.

Delegates who were generally "anti-Mises" managed to get a couple of officers and maybe a couple of regional reps elected, and got a non-Mises presidential ticket.

Naturally, some people on both those putative sides are bitter for various reasons. I feel their pain. But, as the man said, politics ain't beanbag. So, Public Service Announcement:

Wordle 1077 Hint

Hint: Disorder and confusion of the kind that might lead one to say "this situation is completely out of control."

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: C

Thursday, May 30, 2024

My Latest Garrison Center Op-Eds

I usually don't think to feature them on the blog, but this one seems to be getting mad pickups (including the USA Today chain) and this one concerns an issue brought up in comments on a recent post.

Also, I'm a little behind my personal goal for posts in May, so ...

Gender Identity Isn't The Issue. Parental Rights and Medical Freedom Are The Issues.

Some libertarians seem to have convinced themselves that Libertarian Party presidential nominee Chase Oliver wants to give their kids puberty blockers and hormones, or maybe even whack off their penises and put those penises on other kids who currently have vaginas. Or something like that.

I keep asking for evidence to support that belief. The range of responses runs from silence at one end to "evidence" that supports no such claims at the other end.

So far as I can tell, Mr. Oliver's position is that parents advised by doctors, rather than politicians, should hold the power to make decisions relating to medical care for their minor children. If I see evidence to the contrary, I'll point that evidence out.

Of course, some libertarians don't find the actual position (as best I can discern it) persuasive because REASONS. If you told those libertarians that politicians should be in charge of what vaccines their kids get, or whether they can use e.g. ivermectin to treat their kids' COVID-19 infections, etc., they'd call you an authoritarian. And they'd be right.

This issue is no different than those other issues.

Either you as a parent are entitled to make medical decisions on behalf of your minor children, or that's the business of every politician who wants to please certain voters. Pick a side.

Wordle 1076 Hint

Hint: Eating one of these treats before a press conference could end up costing you your political party's presidential nomination.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: G

I Got Quoted In The Press ...

... and it was sort of an accident.

Early in the convention, I tracked down David Weigel of Semafor (previously with Reason, the Washington Post, and Slate) just to say hi and thank him for turning me on to King Crimson (you really should read his progressive rock history, The Show That Never Ends (not an affiliate link), and listen to his Political Beats podcast appearance on King Crimson).

Somehow -- I can't imagine why -- the conversation got sidetracked to Donald Trump's pending appearance, I said something kind of offhand, and he liked it enough to ask if it could be "on the record" for a story he was working on. Here's the story.

David's a hell of a reporter, and he's been covering Libertarian National Conventions since 2008 (that's when I first met him).

Post-Convention Note #2

I was wrong. Which I find surprising -- usually when I think I was wrong, it turns out I was mistaken.

I was probably wrong about several things (and was certainly wrong in certain predictions I made), but I want to focus here on what may be the biggest thing I was wrong about: Donald Trump's speech at the national convention.

My calculation was that there was a 90% chance he would cancel and mock us for really thinking he'd bother with us. He didn't cancel. He showed up.

Of the remaining 10%, I thought at least half of the possible outcomes were bad for the Libertarian Party, the main one being that media coverage would make it look like "Libertarians are MAGA Trumptards." That didn't happen either.

So I was 95% wrong, and we got the 5% good outcomes. The media coverage was of Libertarians booing Trump, and of him bending the knee in an attempt to court Libertarian votes, and of him getting a tiny handful of write-in votes for our presidential nomination (which he was ineligible for anyway, both per our party rules and the GOP's prohibition on him accepting).

I'm starting to think that Angela McArdle may be smarter than me.

Note: I did not attend the Trump speech, but GregL did. If he'd like to share his thoughts on it in comments, that would be really cool.

Wordle 1075 Hint

Hint: Relating to the bishop of Rome.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: P

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Necessary ...

... because I'm having a Wordpress image upload problem.

Update: I was finally able to upload the pic to my web host instead of hot-linking it from here. That's me, wearing my delegate button, with the "Oklahoma" delegation sign behind me. I decided to use it as the photo in my latest Garrison Center column.

True story: At the end of the first day of the convention, I got to my room and one button was missing from my collection. Guess which one? I transferred my buttons to my lanyard (so I didn't have to move them every time I changed clothes), and added a bunch, especially darkly colored ones. Nobody tried to inspect me for a button, ever. And having a button, the opinion of some notwithstanding, was not a requirement to be a delegate. I was properly registered, properly credentialed, and properly seated (with a kick-ass delegation, Oklahoma's).

Wordle 1074 Hint

Note: While traveling over the weekend, I lacked time (and sometimes Internet access) to publish Wordle hints. Sorry about that!

Hint: Solving today's Wordle is all about subtraction, not addition.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: M

Monday, May 27, 2024

Post-Convention Note #1

Hey, everyone ...

I'm home.

I'm also tired.

And the closest I got to any "sight-seeing" in Washington, DC was a glimpse of the top of the Washington Monument as reader GregL and I passed by on the train from Reagan National airport to the Washington Hilton as we came into town.

In a fit of insanity, I figured I should be willing to serve as a delegate to the Libertarian National Convention since I was going to be at the Libertarian National Convention.

Thanks to the heroic efforts of many friends, I was seated as a delegate and faithfully attended the business sessions from opening gavel until early this morning, when, after casting a first-ballot vote for the party's vice-presidential nomination, I was simply too tired to go on any more (the convention had been, with the exception of lunch recesses, etc. been in session for about 16 hours of the day at that point), and needed to catch three hours of sleep before leaving for the airport. So I did my duty to the party as best I could.

Won some, lost some. I'll have more thoughts for you later on the results of the convention.

If you were there and I didn't get a chance to run into you and say hello, I apologize. I tried.

Lots of work, very little play (but fun play as it went).

Among opponents, only one out of several hundred insisted on being an enemy too. And some opponents became friends.

As far as my own attitudes go, I came away from the convention less "anti-Mises" than I was when I went in.

A particular note regarding Angela McArdle, who was elected to a second term as chair:

I did not support Ms. McArdle's first election as chair. I did not like the job she did as chair and vote against her re-election.


She did one thing I've never noticed a chair doing before, a thing I appreciate.

As the Sunday session wore on and the fundraising gala approached, instead of stomping a foot and demanding that we adjourn for it, she encouraged the delegates to stay in the hall and get the party's business done. That was the right thing to do, and it also took considerable guts. If she'd not shown real leadership on that, the party might not have ended up with a presidential slate and a full new Libertarian National Committee by election rather than appointment. THANK YOU, Madam Chair.

For years, I've been yelling about -- and at -- convention delegates who think the whole weekend should be mostly partying rather than party work. This year, both the chair and the convention body buckled down and got the important things done rather than blowing those important things off. THANK YOU, delegates.

Again: Tired. But kind of stoked about how this convention turned out, even where I "lost."

More later.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Why I Am Not Blogging From the Libertarian National Convention ...

 ... except for this brief post, if I can get it up.

  1. Wifi is terrible in the convention hall and not really that great in my room.
  2. I did get seated as a delegate, despite multiple challenges. I'm with the Oklahoma delegation, and they are great folks. But this means that I am actually doing delegate stuff, which is actually work.
  3. I'm on a small-screen laptop and my age/vision are making it more and more difficult to use such a thing for very long without eye strain, etc.
Briefly, things are not going especially well. The current Republican "infiltrate and neuter" PAC regime was not entirely successful in its attempts to rig the convention by excluding everyone who doesn't support them and packing friendly delegations with friendly delegates, but they were successful enough to eke out a win for failed/incompetent/corrupt chair Angela McArdle. I think they may be less successful with other officers/LNC seats, but it's also clear that they've got additional tricks up their sleeves and at this time the Libertarian attempts to re-take the party and save it from final collapse will be partial/provisional at best.

I thought about attending the Trump campaign rally just because I've never seen a current or former president in person, but I am tired, cranky, and in no mood to stand in a long line and get felt up by the Secret Service just to spend a bunch of time in a room likely to be at least half-filled with MAGAts.

I've left the hotel grounds a grand total of one time so far, grabbing lunch at a nearby restaurant today. Still hoping to get out to Arlington National Cemetery, etc., but if I do it is probably a bad sign (a sine die adjournment of the convention before the rest of a new LNC gets elected, so that the "infiltrate and neuter" folks can just appoint their cronies to vacancies instead of having to win elections).

Guess we'll see how it all turns out. I may try to blog more later, but it may have to wait until I get home.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Wordle 1069 Hint

Hint: In basketball, today's Wordle is a shorter way of saying "nothing but net."

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: S

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Preemptive Gripe About @Amazon


Amazon is upgrading its decade-old Alexa voice assistant with generative artificial intelligence and plans to charge a monthly subscription fee to offset the cost of the technology, according to people with knowledge of Amazon’s plans. ... Amazon’s subscription for Alexa will not be included in the $139-per-year Prime offering, and Amazon has not yet nailed down the price point, one source said.

My household currently boasts four Echo Dot devices of various generations (and has retired several devices over time as well). All of which I bought from Amazon.

I also pay Amazon a yearly fee for its Prime service.

And a monthly fee for its "unlimited" music service.

And I buy quite a bit of stuff from Amazon. Some of that stuff on the basis of recommendations/reminders from Alexa.

If this new AI for Alexa is a no-opt-out replacement for the things Alexa already does, and I get charged for it or can't use Alexa, I'm gonna be pretty pissed. I'll be shutting down the Echo devices, canceling the paid music subscription (which I use almost entirely via those Echo devices), and looking for another "home assistant speaker" option that doesn't pull that kind of bait and switch bullshit on me.

If it's an optional add-on, I guess I'll consider the price and decide whether I want it or not.

But what it should be is just a regular old update to Alexa, included in the price of the speakers themselves and my Prime membership.

Amazon is replaceable. Not as easily and cheaply replaceable as I'd like, but definitely replaceable. And charging existing, recurring, loyal customers more money to use devices they already bought is a great way to get them thinking about replacements.

Hopefully the story is incorrect. Hopefully if it's correct, Amazon will reconsider any poor choices it's planning to make. If neither of those is the case, it's probably going to take a big revenue and reputation hit.

I'm Starting to Feel Some Trepidation

Things are just going too well.

I just came in from finishing mowing the yard so that it's not overgrown by the time I get back from DC next Monday.

Except for a spare pair of eyeglasses and a phone charger, I seem to be pretty much packed for departure tomorrow morning. Got my suit back from the dry cleaner last night.

I've already written my Thursday Garrison Center column.

I'll be going everything nine million times today.

And then tomorrow morning, I'll no doubt realize that I forgot something REALLY important.

Hopefully before I leave the house.

Wordle 1068 Hint

Hint: When you've sufficiently praised today's Wordle you'll also have solved it.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: E

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wordle 1067 Hint

Hint: If today's Wordle eats your baby, you're presumably in Australia.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: D

Monday, May 20, 2024

I Seem To Be Developing a Typing Tic ...

... and it really comes out on Twitter. But at least one person was pleased to learn a new word, typos and all, so I'm sharing:

Wordle 1066 HInt

Hint: Pleasant, but even more so.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: N

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ears, Lowered

When I was a kid, my dad pretty much ordered me to wear a flat-top or a crew cut.

When I joined the Marine Corps, I was subject to very specific hairstyle regulations.

Since I got out of the Marine Corps, I've gone back and forth between:

  1. Shaved head (easy to do and maintain myself at not cost beyond razor blade wear.
  2. High and tight like the Marine Corps, only growing a non-regulation-length pompadour up top.
  3. Trying to grow my hair down to my ass.
The last one never works out. I've managed to get it to my shoulders once, before deciding that it was too much trouble and made me look like the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz.

When COVID hit, I was working on a pretty nice high-and-tight pompadour. But since going to Great Clips was hard through that period, I decided to let it go and just shave again.

Now I'm back in pompadour mode.

I've been cutting it myself (with Tamara evening up the back of my head for me after I make the first pass with the clippers), but I figured I should go in and have a pro do it before leaving on a convention trip. Result (with stubble because my new straight razor is supposed to arrive today or tomorrow so I'm waiting to shave):

Nothing the lady could do about me naturally balding, of course, but pretty good job IMO.

I'm also waiting for new glasses, which may or may not be here before I leave.

Wordle 1065 Hint

Hint: Attach your Wordle wagon to a star, or perhaps to the rear end of a truck.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: H

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Wordle 1064 Hint

Hint: To solve today's Wordle, if you don't get salty you'll just be all wet.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: B

Friday, May 17, 2024

A Libertarian Party Bylaws Amendment Proposal (for 2026, Perhaps?)

As of the last time I checked, more than 1,400 names had been submitted by state Libertarian Party affiliates as delegates or alternates to the 2024 Libertarian National Convention -- and there will be more.

As of its April 2024 Membership Report, the Libertarian National Committee reported 12,211 "sustaining members" and 3,244 "life members."

Delegates have to be either national "sustaining members" or members of the affiliate they represent, but there are usually very few who are only the latter. And there are way fewer actually active party members than there are of either group.

With the possibility of more than 1,000 delegate seats plus alternates, arise problems.

Problem #1: A whole lot of people selected as delegates or alternates really only engage with the party for the national convention. They don't follow what's going on in between, they haven't spent time looking at the issues the party faces, etc. Many of them end up not showing -- they just get a dopamine hit from being selected and feel no need to actually attend. Or they do show up, but are mostly absent from the business sessions where the party's work gets done. They're on a libertarian vacation instead of doing the job they asked for.

Problem #2: Only so many places in the country are equipped to accommodate a business meeting with more than 1,000 participants. That limits the cities and hotels from which to pick convention venues.


Article 10, section 3 of the party's bylaws reads:

Each affiliate party shall be entitled to send delegates to each regular convention on the following  basis:

a. One delegate for each 0.14 percent, or fraction thereof, of the total Party sustaining membership in that affiliate; provided that at least one such delegate must be a resident of that State or District.

b. One delegate for each 0.35 percent, or fraction thereof, of the votes cast nationwide for the Libertarian Party candidate in the most recent presidential election, cast in that affiliate's state. If a state conducts its presidential election via Ranked-Choice or Instant Runoff Voting, the ballots for the Libertarian candidate as tabulated in the first round of ballot counting will be used for this purpose.

That section should be amended to read:

Each affiliate party shall be entitled to send two delegates, and one additional delegate per US House district in the affiliate's state, to each regular convention.

That would provide for a maximum of 538 delegates -- about half the current maximum -- plus alternates. It happens to be the same formula used for the Electoral College.

Fewer delegates would likely mean more engaged delegates -- people who will actually be there, actually do the work, and perhaps take some time ahead of convention to familiarize themselves with that work.

It would also dramatically expand the number of cities/venues that could host the convention.

Are there down sides? Yes.

A smaller delegate body might mean lower convention revenues, not as good a group room rate at the hotel, etc.


There would be nothing to stop the LNC from selling non-delegate "packages" (it already does) for people who just want to come and do things with other Libertarians. The only difference would be that those people wouldn't be wearing a "delegate" badge and voting (or failing to show up to vote) on party business, meaning the meeting hall could be smaller. But it's conceivable that there would be fewer attendees.

This proposal is not on the bylaws committee's report and IIRC bylaws proposals can't be moved from the floor. But it's something to consider for the 2026 bylaws committee.

Wordle 1063 Hint

Hint: A teacher, perhaps of the type one hires for extra help in learning a specific subject.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: T

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Possibly Available as a T-Shirt Soon ...


That's just a very rough draft, of course, but people who actually do custom t-shirts know of its existence and have been asked to make it available.

Wordle 1062 Hint

Hint: You might find a shower, a commode, a horse, or items for sale in one.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: S

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It's Not Very Often I Get to Say Something Nice about Biden OR Trump, Let Alone Biden AND Trump ...

... so let us enjoy the rare occasion!

President Biden and former President Trump dealt a major blow to the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) on Wednesday, calling into question the usefulness of the organization moving forward.

Biden’s campaign informed the commission it would work directly with news organizations to arrange two debates this summer with Trump, who quickly accepted his rival’s proposal. 

The development raised the possibility that the commission, which has handled presidential debates each cycle dating back to 1988, may fade into irrelevance after 2024. 

I'm not sure that whatever replaces the CPD will be any better about including non-duopoly candidates, but it isn't likely to be any worse. Great job, guys.

I Kinda Thought So ...

While I aim to be problematic, the word "problematic" seems massively over-used as a descriptor these days.

My gut feeling was that the word popped up a lot less frequently when I was younger than it does now. If only there was a way to test that, like perhaps a Google service that charts trends in things like word usage ...

Yep. My gut feeling was right.

Another Shameless Attempt to Offload Trivial and Highly Optional Travel Expenses Onto My Adoring Fans

These days, a lot of podcasters, bloggers, online sex workers, etc. seem to treat their Amazon Wish Lists as major profit centers. At least that's the impression I get when every post or video seems to wrap up with "to support my work, buy me something from my Amazon Wish List."

I don't do anything like that on a regular basis, and often my Amazon Wish List is empty or nearly empty anyway.

Right now, there are two items on my Amazon Wish List. Both are highly optional, things I don't care a LOT about having, and both are time-sensitive (I leave on the relevant trip in about a week).

There's the six-pack of red fezzes (one for me, five for random other Libertarian National Convention attendees) that I've mentioned previously, and now there's a "stuffable" travel pillow.

I don't expect to have trouble fitting everything I want to take into my checked bag and "personal item."

I just think it's a cool idea to have a travel pillow that can also hold some clothing.

And even more that cool -- if someone wants to grab this for me, I'll stuff it with one full change of clothes (Thai fisherman pants, probably, plus a t-shirt or Henley, socks, and underwear.

Which would solve a potential problem I've had in the past but not lately. That problem is sorry, for some reason your suitcase went to Seattle, Washington instead of Washington, DC, we'll have it to you in maybe a few days k thx bai.

So over the course of a four-day trip, I'd have two outfits instead of one, without having to shop. And they'd be light outfits of the "hand wash in the sink, hang to dry" type (so far as I can tell, no coin laundry at the hotel). Not ideal, but better than wearing the same thing for four days with no wash.

Pamper me, my public. ASAP. Oh, yeah, did I include the link to my Amazon Wish List?

Wordle 1061 Hint

Hint: Just one between your cheek and gum, says Joe Walsh (among others).

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: P

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Yet Another Libertarian National Convention Update

I've been asked by a couple of friends why I think the LNC secretary has a bone to pick with me in particular as a delegate (she behind a credentials committee objection to my seating with Missouri on the basis of bylaws which she selectively quotes and -- seemingly intentionally -- misinterprets).

My answer: I don't think she does have a bone to pick with me in particular.

Ms. Harlos is not an idiot. She knows that "voting delegate" is the LEAST dangerous role I can fill. If I'm a voting delegate, I'm just one vote out of ~1000. If I'm not a delegate, I'll be out there doing the worker bee thing to support numerous delegates in taking back the party. And the seat I won't be in will almost certainly be taken by someone who votes similarly to the way I would (not identically, but an overall resemblance).

I just HAPPEN to be a convenient target for her attempts to set herself and the credentials committee up to replace the judicial committees of the state affiliates (and avenues of recourse available to those state affiliates for settling internal bylaws disputes) with their own preferences, in violation of the national bylaws.

Here's the thing: I'm going to be there.

I can be there doing the party's work directly as a voting delegate, or I can be there doing the party's work indirectly by helping one or more of the several groups that are trying to save the party from further centralization under the control of a hostile takeover cabal.

The latter would actually be more fun, as it would leave more time and opportunity to catch up with old friends, see sights, etc.

Wordle 1060 Hint

Hint: Think of today's Wordle as a math problem -- just keep adding.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: A

Monday, May 13, 2024

Just Got Back From An Eye Exam ...

... and my ocular pressure, which has been in the "high normal" range for nearly two decades, is down a little.

I don't need three guesses to figure out the most likely reason (I'm also sleeping better and experiencing less rotator cuff pain).

Wordle 1059 Hint

Hint: Probably the most important ingredient in falafel, apart from chickpeas.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: C

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Wordle 1,058 Hint

Hint: The part of space found beyond the Kármán line.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: O

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Wordle 1057 Hint

Hint: We all have our ups and downs. Today's Wordle refers to the oceans' versions of same.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: T

Friday, May 10, 2024

Disturbing ...

So I'm looking at straight razors. I've been considering buying one for some time. I actually have one, but it's probably about 100 years old and was originally my great-grandfather's.

This one (not an affiliate link) is interesting, but not really positively reviewed). Perhaps because of this in the description?

The blade is sharp. Be careful when using it to prevent children from touching each other.

I Am An Early Packer

I've already got my suit on the way to be dry-cleaned (I decided to go with my vintage linen suit rather than the more conventional light summer suit -- both of them were less than ten bucks at thrift stores).

I've also measured the suitcase I plan to take to make sure it meets the particular airline's size specifications. It does.

I've got most of the other clothing selected, and will make sure it all gets washed, etc. before I start packing, which will probably be next weekend. I've got a cheap pair of day-glo orange trunks on the way, as I hear the hotel has two pools. Jeans, old dad cargo shorts, t-shirts, red paisley blazer, etc. Beatle boots and my zero-drop barefoot shoes will be going. Other than my red NO PARTICULAR ORDER cap,  I'm still mulling the hat situation.*

I need to pick up a 1.5 liter bottle of Old Crow for a joyous resumption of the Biennial Attempted Alcohol Poisoning of the Hogarth event.

I'll probably start packing no later than next weekend. And, inevitably, I will remember something I missed at the last minute. Or forget that thing.

There's talk of a tattoo party, with everyone who wants one getting a commemorative design, and then maybe doing that for EVERY convention. Here's my first draft offering, designed using Free Tattoo Generator (not an affiliate link):

I like going places. But I tend to over-prepare.

* If you want to see six Libertarians wearing red fezzes on C-SPAN, I am willing to be one of those Libertarians and to give away five more, if anyone wants to buy the package of six on my Amazon Wish List. No biggie either way, but that will need to be soon if at all, so that when I pack I leave room for them.

Wordle 1056 Hint

Hint: For art, think "mixed." For news, one notional category is "mainstream."

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: M

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Teh Krazy Just Isn't Stopping ...

... not even for a water break or to watch a nice sunset.

Maybe we'll also get Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney and Tulsi Gabbard and Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopie Goldberg and one of those guys with a squeegee who wants to talk about Jesus and aliens while he cleans your windshield at a stoplight.

This, however, looks like fun. If you're going to be in DC, I hope to run into you there.

Wordle 1055 Hint

Hint: The driest red wine is usually a Cabernet Sauvignon; the driest steak to eat with it would be today's Wordle.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: J

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Libertarian National Convention Rumor

A highly placed source in a political party other than the Libertarian Party tells me that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will be coming to the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC, to be nominated by acclamation for president and vice president.

Yes, the above actually happened. Take it as you will.

I Already Have Several Hats ...

... at least one or two of which will go with me to the Libertarian National Convention.

However, @OldSuperManCat thinks that fezzes are required attire for the Trump campaign rally portion of the at-the-convention events.

I'm still not sure why.

However, in the interest of contributing to party unity, I've agreed to wear one fez, and give five away to other attendees, if anyone cares to  pay for them (they're available for shipment directly to me from my Amazon Wish List).

I'm holding space in my luggage for them, but only for a limited time.

Here's one of the hats I'll be rocking regardless:

Wordle 1054 Hint

Hint: Devout (or, alternatively, prone to public posturing about how devout you are).

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: P

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Most of my Libertarian National Convention Updates Will Be Mostly Personal In Nature ...

At least until the convention opens and there is real news to share.

The latest personal:

The Libertarians of the Great State of Oklahoma have added me as an alternate to their delegation.

That's in addition to the Libertarians of the Great State of Missouri me selecting me as an alternate to their delegation.

The LNC secretary's tendentious misreading of Missouri's bylaws notwithstanding, I am clearly eligible to be an alternate under those bylaws for now, and to be a delegate if the Missouri delegation votes to seat me.

But Oklahoma's bylaws are even less susceptible to tendentious misreadings on that matter.

And really, my toes are tapping regardless of outcomes. In fact, if I'm not seated as a delegate, I'll have a lot more time to work for positive change in the party. That's probably worth far more than my one delegate vote would be.

I'm mostly just looking forward to seeing hundreds of old friends and making whatever positive contributions I can.

The latest party:

LNC member Beth Vest is suing for the removal of LNC chair Angela McArdle on facially true charges of various types of malfeasance, breach of fiduciary duty, self-dealing, etc. in violation of DC non-profit laws.

This suit is a chance for various LNC members to try to save themselves. If they throw Ms. McArdle under the bus now, they might have a chance of getting re-elected instead of going down with her sinking ship (yes, I realize that's a very mixed metaphor).

Wordle 1053 Hint

Hint: Today's Wordle smells of age and mold.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: M

Monday, May 06, 2024

Libertarian National Convention Note (with "LNC Secretary Has Poor Reading Comprehension and Doxxing Skillz" Goodness)

This is just a straight copy/paste of a Facebook post I put up after seeing some interesting news.

A note regarding the coming Libertarian National Convention:

The LNC's credentials committee has two jobs:

1. Receiving delegate lists from the state affiliates; and
2. Credentialing the names on those lists.

It is not a judicial body empowered to adjudicate claims regarding those state affiliates' bylaws (that's an internal matter for the affiliates). Nor does it possess any authority to reject or contest those delegate lists (that's the convention body's prerogative).

It has come to my attention that the LNC secretary believes otherwise. And that she apparently can't read Missouri's bylaws. And that she apparently thinks she knows where my wife lives and is registered to vote (she's incorrect on both) and that that's relevant (it isn't).

In fact, she's incorrect in believing I even have a "wife," at least with respect to gummint licensing. Tamara and I have been together for 24 years (we got together at the 2000 Libertarian National Convention), but never bothered with a marriage license, just a domestic partnership affidavit when that became necessary for things like job-related insurance benefits.

Wordle 1052 Hint

Hint: With a haircut, today's Wordle used to cost two bits.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: S

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Wordle 1051 Hint

Hint: Today's Wordle is often used to refer to a "sticker," but is actually something different.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: D

Saturday, May 04, 2024

A Question (and an Answer) On, But Not In, the Monthly AMA Thread

I've been privately asked -- more than once and not just lately -- why I answer (or even put up with) nasty, personal, fake "questions" in the monthly AMA thread, and why I don't just ban those who show up to flood said threads with said questions.

The answer to the first question is simple: An Ask Me Anything thread is not an Ask Me Only Questions I Like thread. I've advertised the former and intend to keep to it.

The answer to the second question is that I do sometimes ban people here ... after answering their questions.

The ice is not especially thin here, but if you stomp too hard and break that ice, you're going to disappear beneath the surface of the commenting water into cold, black silence. So you might want to keep that in mind.

Wordle 1050 Hint

Hint: Karl Marx tried to establish it on a labor-based formula; Ludwig von Mises correctly pointed out that it's subjective.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: V

Friday, May 03, 2024

Wordle 1049 Hint

Hint: Think "Stevie Wonder" (as paired with "Paul McCartney").

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: E

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Wordle 1048 Hint

Hint: The best thing done to bread. Ever.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: S

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

When the Going Gets Weird, Libertarian National Convention Thread #6,312,971

A little while back, I suggested somewhere (maybe even right here on the blog) that seeing as how the Libertarian National Convention is taking place not far from the White House, it wouldn't be a bad idea to invite the President of the United States to drop by and say hello.

A few days ago, the chair of the Libertarian National Committee issued a public invitation to both the POTUS and the former POTUS to do so.

No, I'm not claiming credit for that -- the chair of the LNC has me blocked on social media and I have no reason to believe that she cares what I think about anything.

Some people are pretty upset about this. I'm not, for various reasons.

One of those reasons is that if Trump is busy talking to a bunch of people who don't like him, don't support him, won't donate to him, and won't vote for him, he won't be busy talking to a bunch of people who MIGHT like him, MIGHT support him, MIGHT donate to him, and MIGHT vote for him.

Another is that if it turns out that a substantial portion of delegates fall into that latter category, that will out them and I'll know the Libertarian Party won't, for the foreseeable future, serve any useful purpose.

Thanks For Asking! -- 05/01/24

Mayday! Mayday! Yes, really, it's May Day. The workers of the world remain disunited so far as I can tell, and Marx's old and busted bit doesn't seem like the kind of thing to unite around anyway.

Ask me anything in the comment thread below this post and I'll answer in, or linked from, the same place.

Wordle 1047 Hint

Hint: A place where you might record your deepest personal thoughts.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: D