
Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Most of my Libertarian National Convention Updates Will Be Mostly Personal In Nature ...

At least until the convention opens and there is real news to share.

The latest personal:

The Libertarians of the Great State of Oklahoma have added me as an alternate to their delegation.

That's in addition to the Libertarians of the Great State of Missouri me selecting me as an alternate to their delegation.

The LNC secretary's tendentious misreading of Missouri's bylaws notwithstanding, I am clearly eligible to be an alternate under those bylaws for now, and to be a delegate if the Missouri delegation votes to seat me.

But Oklahoma's bylaws are even less susceptible to tendentious misreadings on that matter.

And really, my toes are tapping regardless of outcomes. In fact, if I'm not seated as a delegate, I'll have a lot more time to work for positive change in the party. That's probably worth far more than my one delegate vote would be.

I'm mostly just looking forward to seeing hundreds of old friends and making whatever positive contributions I can.

The latest party:

LNC member Beth Vest is suing for the removal of LNC chair Angela McArdle on facially true charges of various types of malfeasance, breach of fiduciary duty, self-dealing, etc. in violation of DC non-profit laws.

This suit is a chance for various LNC members to try to save themselves. If they throw Ms. McArdle under the bus now, they might have a chance of getting re-elected instead of going down with her sinking ship (yes, I realize that's a very mixed metaphor).

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