
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I Got Quoted In The Press ...

... and it was sort of an accident.

Early in the convention, I tracked down David Weigel of Semafor (previously with Reason, the Washington Post, and Slate) just to say hi and thank him for turning me on to King Crimson (you really should read his progressive rock history, The Show That Never Ends (not an affiliate link), and listen to his Political Beats podcast appearance on King Crimson).

Somehow -- I can't imagine why -- the conversation got sidetracked to Donald Trump's pending appearance, I said something kind of offhand, and he liked it enough to ask if it could be "on the record" for a story he was working on. Here's the story.

David's a hell of a reporter, and he's been covering Libertarian National Conventions since 2008 (that's when I first met him).

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