
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Another Shameless Attempt to Offload Trivial and Highly Optional Travel Expenses Onto My Adoring Fans

These days, a lot of podcasters, bloggers, online sex workers, etc. seem to treat their Amazon Wish Lists as major profit centers. At least that's the impression I get when every post or video seems to wrap up with "to support my work, buy me something from my Amazon Wish List."

I don't do anything like that on a regular basis, and often my Amazon Wish List is empty or nearly empty anyway.

Right now, there are two items on my Amazon Wish List. Both are highly optional, things I don't care a LOT about having, and both are time-sensitive (I leave on the relevant trip in about a week).

There's the six-pack of red fezzes (one for me, five for random other Libertarian National Convention attendees) that I've mentioned previously, and now there's a "stuffable" travel pillow.

I don't expect to have trouble fitting everything I want to take into my checked bag and "personal item."

I just think it's a cool idea to have a travel pillow that can also hold some clothing.

And even more that cool -- if someone wants to grab this for me, I'll stuff it with one full change of clothes (Thai fisherman pants, probably, plus a t-shirt or Henley, socks, and underwear.

Which would solve a potential problem I've had in the past but not lately. That problem is sorry, for some reason your suitcase went to Seattle, Washington instead of Washington, DC, we'll have it to you in maybe a few days k thx bai.

So over the course of a four-day trip, I'd have two outfits instead of one, without having to shop. And they'd be light outfits of the "hand wash in the sink, hang to dry" type (so far as I can tell, no coin laundry at the hotel). Not ideal, but better than wearing the same thing for four days with no wash.

Pamper me, my public. ASAP. Oh, yeah, did I include the link to my Amazon Wish List?

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