
Monday, May 06, 2024

Libertarian National Convention Note (with "LNC Secretary Has Poor Reading Comprehension and Doxxing Skillz" Goodness)

This is just a straight copy/paste of a Facebook post I put up after seeing some interesting news.

A note regarding the coming Libertarian National Convention:

The LNC's credentials committee has two jobs:

1. Receiving delegate lists from the state affiliates; and
2. Credentialing the names on those lists.

It is not a judicial body empowered to adjudicate claims regarding those state affiliates' bylaws (that's an internal matter for the affiliates). Nor does it possess any authority to reject or contest those delegate lists (that's the convention body's prerogative).

It has come to my attention that the LNC secretary believes otherwise. And that she apparently can't read Missouri's bylaws. And that she apparently thinks she knows where my wife lives and is registered to vote (she's incorrect on both) and that that's relevant (it isn't).

In fact, she's incorrect in believing I even have a "wife," at least with respect to gummint licensing. Tamara and I have been together for 24 years (we got together at the 2000 Libertarian National Convention), but never bothered with a marriage license, just a domestic partnership affidavit when that became necessary for things like job-related insurance benefits.

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