
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ears, Lowered

When I was a kid, my dad pretty much ordered me to wear a flat-top or a crew cut.

When I joined the Marine Corps, I was subject to very specific hairstyle regulations.

Since I got out of the Marine Corps, I've gone back and forth between:

  1. Shaved head (easy to do and maintain myself at not cost beyond razor blade wear.
  2. High and tight like the Marine Corps, only growing a non-regulation-length pompadour up top.
  3. Trying to grow my hair down to my ass.
The last one never works out. I've managed to get it to my shoulders once, before deciding that it was too much trouble and made me look like the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz.

When COVID hit, I was working on a pretty nice high-and-tight pompadour. But since going to Great Clips was hard through that period, I decided to let it go and just shave again.

Now I'm back in pompadour mode.

I've been cutting it myself (with Tamara evening up the back of my head for me after I make the first pass with the clippers), but I figured I should go in and have a pro do it before leaving on a convention trip. Result (with stubble because my new straight razor is supposed to arrive today or tomorrow so I'm waiting to shave):

Nothing the lady could do about me naturally balding, of course, but pretty good job IMO.

I'm also waiting for new glasses, which may or may not be here before I leave.

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