Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Sad News

I just learned via email that Steve Gordon has passed away after a heart attack.

For those who don't know of Steve, he was a life member of the Libertarian Party and LPHQ's former press secretary.

Before that he was campaign manager for Aaron Russo's 2004 campaign for the party's presidential nomination (I was privileged to serve under him as that campaign's communications director, and then to follow him to Michael Badnarik's post-nomination presidential campaign where he was the communications director and I worked for him again with a title I don't recall at the moment).

In between those two party bookends, he was key staff on Bob Barr's 2008 LP presidential campaign where we went up against each other (I managed Steve Kubby's nomination campaign and also worked for Mary Ruwart). He won that round, but we had a few drinks over the fight :)

I miss him already and my prayers and Tamara's are with his wonderful wife, Deb, and his other loved ones.

More on funeral arrangements and so forth when I hear more myself.