Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Thanks For Asking! -- 03/01/17

This AMA thread, and the podcast to follow, are brought to you by an anonymous sponsor who's letting me promote anything I choose to promote ... and what I'm promoting this week is a cause: FREE ROSS ULBRICHT.

In fact, I used the $5.99 episode sponsorship fee to support the cause by buying six squares (for $1 each) in a little game on the site. Each square you buy uncovers a little bit of a picture drawn by Ross. It's a worthy cause (the donations fund an American political prisoner's appeal of his life sentence for running a web site), a fun way of contributing to it, and when the entire drawing is uncovered 21 lucky donors who picked particular squares will win one-ounce silver Liberty dollars from Roberts & Roberts Brokerage. Please, go buy some of those squares for yourself, or heck, just make a donation.

Side note #1: Last night's episode of Free Talk Live, broadcast from the Anarchopulco conference, includes an interview with Ross's mother, Lyn Ulbricht. Listen to it!


1. ASK ME ANYTHING (in the comment thread below this post); and
2. I'LL ANSWER (in comments, on the next episode of The KN@PP Stir Podcast, or both.

Side note #2: I'm considering a format change in which I pick ONE Thanks For Asking! question to answer on the podcast and the others are answered only in comments. The theory behind that possible format change is that I can talk for 5-10 minutes about one thing instead of trying to cram two, three or five things into the podcast segment. Let me know what you think about that idea!