Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Couple of Questions for Dr. Richard Ebeling

In an essay on "the bathroom wars" published yesterday at Epic Times, Dr. Richard Ebeling writes:

In government accommodations in such places as, say, courthouses, and in spite of the additional taxpayers' expense, matching toilet facilities for men and women, there also should be "transgender" facilities of some sort. There must be accommodations for taxpaying citizens who would feel uncomfortable in satisfying biological functions in the same limited space with those they define as members of the opposite sex, and at the same time for there to be facilities for those who are indifferent or who consider it "right" for transgender individuals to share such facilities with them.

Interesting perspective. Let me see if I'm understanding him correctly.

I take it Dr. Ebeling supported the "public" (i.e. government-run, although through a contractor) bus line in New York City that made "accommodations" for taxpaying male Orthodox Jews who "would feel uncomfortable" having women ride in the front of the bus with them, by requiring women to board through the back door and remain in the back of the bus, right?

Breathing and drinking water are "biological functions." Am I entitled to have, just for example, the public courthouse segregated by race if I "would feel uncomfortable" breathing the same air or drinking from the same fountain as African-Americans, Dr. Ebeling?

Just wondering.

[hat tip: Nick Manley]