Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Looks Like a Lawsuit in the Making to Me

Per Politico:

The Treasury Department will no longer allow Russia to make payments on its debt using dollars held at U.S. banks, stepping up its efforts to choke off financial resources for President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Treasury had already moved to freeze Russian government assets held at U.S. institutions, but now it won’t allow Moscow to access those dollars even to meet its obligations to bondholders, moving the government nearer to default.

That money doesn't belong to the Treasury Department. It belongs to the Russian regime -- at least the part of it that doesn't belong to the Russian regime's creditors. I expect that the Russian regime will shortly be telling its creditors "hey, it's your regimes sitting on our dollars -- you get paid in rubles they knock that shit off." And I expect those creditors to sue the US regime to get their money.

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