Saturday, March 28, 2009

In support of Sundwall


Big Government Candidate A and Big Government Candidate B find themselves opposed, in a special congressional election, by Smaller Government Candidate C.

Big Government Candidate A openly and honestly debates Smaller Government Candidate C.

Big Government Candidate B avoids debate, recruits some shills to file frivolous challenges, and succeeds in getting Smaller Government Candidate C thrown off the ballot.

Smaller Government Candidate C then endorses Big Government Candidate A, saying true and nice things about him (while not denying their ideological differences).

I'm with Smaller Government Candidate C on this one.

There's no "party loyalty" question here.

The voters in Eric Sundwall's district don't have a Libertarian option on their ballots in this election.

The reason they don't have a Libertarian option on their ballots in this election is that the Republican candidate used legal maneuvering to abusively deny them a Libertarian option on their ballots in this election.

Ideological questions being otherwise at least roughly equal, and no Libertarian option being available, the remaining reasonably worthwhile objective in this election is to punish the son of a bitch who screwed the voters.