Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Because I can

Be helpful, that is.

Over at Sitemeter, I notice that someone arrived at this blog from Google, searching on the string:

Popoli Greek Restaurant in Branson

They didn't find what they were looking for, but I know what they're looking for, so I'll go ahead and share. Someone else, looking for the same thing, may some time arrive here from a similar search.

The Greek restaurant in question is called Papouli's, and it's not in Branson -- it's in or near the town of Reeds Spring, a few miles down the road. It's probably been 15-20 years since I've eaten there, but back then it was a fine restaurant, run by a wonderful family. My mouth is watering just thinking about it, so I guess I'm going to have to get over to my favorite Greek restaurant in St. Louis some time soon (it's called Olympia -- great baba ghanoush!).

To get to Papouli's from Branson, take Highway 76 east out of Branson, all the way to Branson West (used to be called Lakeview, back before they got all fancified). At Branson West, you'll hit a "t" intersection. Turn right onto that road (it's MO 76, MO 13 and MO-265 all in one). This will take you to Reeds Spring. You'll cruise through the town with one hard, nearly mandatory left turn. Shortly after that, turn right on MO 248, and Papouli's will be on your left just after just a little bit (less than a minute, I think). All told, less than 20 miles from Branson and well worth the drive.

To get there from Springfield, Missouri, take Highway MO 13 south (it's Campbell Street while you're in the city), turn right on MO 248, and you'll find Papouli's on your right as you approach Reeds Spring. If you hit a "t" intersection, you've missed it.

Bon appetit.