Sunday, March 05, 2006

Not as think as you drunk I am

For all intents and purposes, the Missouri Libertarian Party's state convention is now over. I've been in Springfield, Missouri for the last 36 hours or so, only two of which have been given to sleep, and I'm at least moderately inebriated right now, but let's do a quick recap:

Key point of improvement: I was not arrested. Nobody had to bail me out of jail. These are very good things for which I am grateful.


- The state committee passed a resolution calling for repeal of the national party's "oath" requirement for membership. Thanks to Lloyd Sloan for forcing this issue.

- The Missouri LP met a number of people whom it's never had real contact with before, due to its convention strategy: Low-cost attendance packages, including a $10, all-day "film festival." The most expensive package was $65, and that included a couple of meals. It's neat to see real outreach occurring in the context of "official" party events. I'm reasonably confident that the party will gain some new activists out of this approach.

- It was just nice to be back in Springfield, where I lived for a number of years and where I first became involved in the LP. I got to hang out with a number of old friends, LP (especially Keith Rodgers and Doug Burleson, and as always Greg and Wendy Terry, even though Greg and Wendy are near-Kansas Citians now) and non-LP (the Curbstone Critic). I also had real cashew chicken, which I've missed while living in the hinterlands.

Mixed bag:

- I wish Phil Horras had been around.

- I got cornered into getting involved again, which has ramifications. For one thing, I'm going to have to request a withdrawal card from my union, which forbids its members to hold office in political parties. I now do, ergo I have to do the right thing vis a vis the union.

Guys: I am friggin' hammered, and don't know if the above is even coherent. This post may be one of those exceptions to the "don't go back and edit" rule. But, bottom line: It's been a good convention, and I'm happy to be back home in more than one way.