
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

One Of My Rare Uses of Fox "News" For Evaluating A Political Event

No, I did not watch the Trump/Harris debate last night.

Yes, at some point I will probably read a transcript and watch some additional highlight reels.

But my first stop was Fox:

Why? Because in a sea of mainstream media "Harris won" stories, I wanted a bit of bias correction.

My very first impression:

Harris looked younger than her 59 years. She looked relaxed but prepared and put together. In the short sound clips, ditto.

Trump didn't just look older than his 78 years, he looked older than Joe Biden's 81, and like someone forgot to have his suit pressed and did a bad job of freshening up his spray tan right before he walked on stage. He looked tense and beset. In the short sound clips, ditto.

Notice I didn't mention any policy points. "Conservative commentator" Kendall Bailey didn't do very well trying to make Trump sound like the "winner" on those, either, but she may just not be very good at her job (I'm not familiar with her).

For a lot of voters, and not just those already leaning hard one way or the other, the first visual/aural impression is going to be impactful, maybe even decisive, before "the issues" even come into play.

More later. Probably.

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