
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Well, That Artificial "Top of the World" Feeling from Fasting Didn't Last Long ...

A couple of hours ago, I thought I felt good enough to get a Garrison Center column out today.

Shortly after that, I started feeling a little slap-happy and decided maybe I couldn't pull it off.

Now, after several days of eating very little and 16 hours or so of nothing but liquids (with no sugars or carbs in them), I'm back to just feeling ... wobbly and kinda bad.

Oddly, last time I checked it, my blood sugar had been going up, not down. Keeping an eye on that, with a sugary clear liquid available if it falls precipitously (hey, I can still spell precipitously!). I usually record a blood sugar spike first thing in the morning. My doctor says that's my body's physical reaction to it going down overnight, it starts burning whatever to make glucose because it's going down. I'm guessing this is the same thing: My body says "oops, this guy isn't ingesting sugar/carbs, guess I'll make some out of fat or muscle."

So yeah, no column today, but tomorrow's "web-only" RRND is coming along fairly well.

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