
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Request For Comments

I hate it when I don't get a Garrison Center column out at the usual rate of three per week (minus one per month written by the wonderful Joel Schlosberg).

Hate. It.

And since many/most of the Garrison Center's supporters are also readers of this blog, I'd like their opinions.

My colonoscopy is scheduled for Friday.

Last time around, I got there and they sent me home because I wasn't "clear" enough. The solution to that was the "shit in a box, send it to a lab" thing, because I figured that having to do a longer "prep" just wasn't going to work due to my blood sugar considerations.

Now the colonoscopy isn't really optional, and I'm determined not to have it postponed again.

So, I've spent the last few days on a "softer foods" diet, when eating at all (I'm eating less), and frankly I'm already feeling lousy.

First thing tomorrow morning is the beginning of the "NO food, liquids/laxatives/etc. only," and I intend to be agressive with the liquids, etc.

I'm not sure, but I strongly suspect I may not be in any shape to write a coherent column tomorrow ... and as for Saturday, I just won't know until the time comes.

Most of my work is the kind of repetitive stuff I could almost do in my sleep, and I think I'll get that done.

So ... are you guys all right with me missing yet another column, maybe two? IMO that's a big ask, since I really only write maybe 140 per year. Let me know in comments.

If you're NOT okay with it, I may still miss the columns .... but I may also consider working up a list of "guest columnists" who are interested in irregular, short-notice, low-paying op-ed work.

Side notes:

Cox's Internet service has been fairly bad recently, and really bad for the last two days, with frequent and extended outages, making it even harder to get anything done reliably.

Yesterday's piece has already appeared the Orange County Register (and the, IIRC 12, papers in its associated chain), as well as papers in Mississippi and North Carolina, so we're obviously not doing too badly in the pickup area. Oddly, a search for title/opening line also leads, for some reason, to what appears to be an Asian pr0n site of some sort (don't click on this link -- on mouse hover, you'll notice that the URL reflects the column title, which hardly seems like coincidence -- if you don't want to see pictures of Asian women in various states of undress and sexual congress, and possibly pick up some malware). I have no explanation for that, unless it's that my columns are popular enough for pornographers/malware spreaders to think they can attract clicks with their titles.

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