
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Finally Found A Weakness With My Ultra-Cheap Mini-PC

I've had my $150 CyberGeek Nano J1 Linux Mini PC since last August and remain positively impressed with its performance.

I've also become comfortable enough with that performance that I hadn't bothered checking certain things for a little while.

But for some reason the other day I glanced at the Psensor app ... and my CPU cores were at about 90 degrees celsius!

It didn't take long to figure out why: Slack.

I'm not big on desktop messaging apps, and seldom use them, but recently I've had reason to.

When Slack isn't running, CPU temps are normal (at the moment, 48 degrees celsius).

When Slack is running, they shoot up into the 80s.

And not just when the Slack window is open, but whenever the little Slack status gadget is present in my task bar to aleart me about new messages.

So now I'm relying on email notifications and opening the app every day or two to check manually.

IMHO, that's not really a weakness in the Mini PC, it's a bug in Slack. Any app that produces those temperatures in a machine with four fast CPU cores and lots of RAM needs fixing.

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