
Monday, April 29, 2024

Lost Time ... A Sign of Early Dementia?

Doing something that's small, daily, and documented -- that is, my daily Wordle hint -- has revealed to me that I may have some kind of memory deficit.

Specifically, every so often, I will completely forget to do the day's Wordle and Wordle hint post. And forget that I forgot until the next day, when I'm doing the hint post and see that there wasn't one the day before.

As you've probably noticed, I've been less active on the blog this month for various reasons. But the "missed a day of Wordle" thing doesn't seem related -- it's happened in the past a time or three when I was more active and didn't have any specific stressors or distractions going on that would explain it.

Then again, I've been worried about the possibility of Alzheimer's, etc. since my late teens or early twenties, even though there's not any big family history, etc. I worked in an aluminum boat plant for a couple of years (1986-87), where the air was always full of aluminum dust, and saw an article claiming a link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer's. That was what set off the life-long worry.

So who knows? Also, where am I and who the hell are you?

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