
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

There Are Many Places I Want to See, or See Again

From about 2008 (when I attended the Libertarian National Convention in Denver) to about 2015 or 2016 (when I started visitng my parents and attending family funerals after I moving to Florida in 2013), I barely traveled. In fact I think I went for about three years without ever getting more than 50 miles from my house.

From 2015 or so to 2021, if I traveled it was almost entirely for family or work purposes -- Libertarian Party stuff and those visits/funerals.

In 2021, one of you took me to PorcFest, which was probably my first real "vacation" in at least 20 years.

Now that I'm a gummint-licensed driver, I'm thinking about getting a vehicle with some range (still haven't got the 50cc scooter sorted out) so I can go places I've been but want to visit again (New York and New Orleans probably top that list), as well as places I've never been (Miami, Key West, San Francisco, etc.),

The list is actually very long. If I had several months with zero responsibilities/commitments, I think I'd probably get on a motorcycle and drive to New Orleans, then Austin, then Phoenix, then Vegas, then San Diego, then LA, then San Francisco, then Portland, then Seattle, then Yellowstone, then Omaha, then Racine, then Saginaw, then Philly, then NYC, then Boston, then Manchester, then Bangor, then back down the coast to DC, Richmond, a bunch of Civil War battlefields, several places in North Carolina, Beaufort, Savannah, Miami, Key West, and home.

That's a partial list of stopping points (11 of which I've been to before). And if I got a passport I'd probably throw some Mexican and Canadian destinations in for good measure.

The reason a motorcycle or larger scooter makes sense to me is that Tamara's not as keen on that kind of leisurely travel as I am. Maybe when and if she retires, we'll be one of those couples that remodels a school bus into a tiny traveling home, but until then if she travels long distances it's for work and/or family reasons. Also, she kind of prefers to fly, and I'm kind of interested in getting back to going down unfamiliar roads and seeing the country.

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