
Sunday, December 25, 2022


We only really get a few cold days a year here in north central Florida, but we're in the middle of a cold snap right now (low 20s in the mornings).

I went out to a church service last night, mostly to hear Tamara sing a song the music director wrote with her in mind for lead vocal (it was lovely, see pic below), and when we got home my "keep the well warm" setup had failed. I usually use a heat lamp and tarp, but I decided to use an actual heater instead, and it threw the breaker while we were gone. Things were already frozen (I also hadn't left enough things running, or at least enough things with enough volume), and they've just now thawed enough for us to have running water again.

Of course, it's supposed to hit 80 degrees by next Saturday, so I'm not inclined to complain TOO much.

Merry Christmas.

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