
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Quick Garrison Center Update

For various reasons, it took me until nearly mid-month to count up last month's "pickups" and "citations" of Garrison Center op-eds.

A "pickup" is when a mainstream newspaper or non-libertarian political publication publishes one of the op-eds. A "citation" is when a mainstream newspaper or non-libertarian political publication mentions or responds to one of the op-eds.

So anyway, last month's pickups plus citations (that I've found) come to 162. That's the Center's record month, as was January (135) before it. If March returns similar results, the first quarter of 2018 will come to not quite as many pickups/citations as the entirety of 2015.

Most interesting pickup in February: "Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of Russiagate" appeared in the Times of Oman. So far as I know, my first publication, and the Center's, in that country.

Of the two "citations," one was a radio interview about my take on the Korea "situation," and the other was a horrified letter to the editor concerning my argument for abolishing the FBI.

Thanks to my financial supporters for making this stuff possible (if you'd like to be one of those supporters, see the sidebar for options).

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