
Monday, September 01, 2008

Introducing KN@PPSTER: The Newsletter

Well, folks, the whole "syndicate annoying Flash content" idea didn't pan out ... but I've decided to go ahead with another idea I've toyed with for a long time: A subscribers-only, PDF-format newsletter to supplement this blog. Introducing KN@PPSTER: The Newsletter -- Sneak Previews, Exclusives and Random Asides.

The first issue is free -- just clic the pic to download:

After that, it's $17.73 per year (subscribe now and you're good through the end of 2009!), or prospectively, as subsequent issues appear, $2 a pop. Frequency? At least 12 issues per year. Probably more. Click here for more information and to subscribe.

Important Note: If you have ever financially supported Rational Review News Digest or Freedom News Daily -- signed on as a subscribing contributor, made a one-time contribution, returned value for value in any way for those publications, you are "grandfathered in" as a free subscriber. That free subscription may be perpetual (I haven't decided yet), but it will last at least through December 31st, 2009. DO NOT SEND ME MONEY IF YOU RESEMBLE THIS REMARK. If you resemble this remark and you have not heard from me by email by September 2nd, 2008 (THIS MEANS YOU, FRED -- can't find your email address gotcha!), please, please please email me and let me know.

Note to Opponents and/or Enemies: This may just turn out to be the place where my super-duper double secret probation plans and schemes get hatched. Wanna know? $17.73 per year. Mwuhahahaha!

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