Wednesday, September 01, 2021

First World Problems ...

I usually leave my cell phone on the bedside table. That's where the charger is, and it also keeps the phone 50 feet or so from me while I'm at my desk working, so that I'm not distracted by every bing and bong the damn thing makes to let me know there's a sale at Amazon or someone replied to me on Twitter or sent me a Facebook message (Twitter and Facebook are almost always open on my desktop anyway).

The down sides:

  1. If it rings, and if I hear it ring, I have to dash 50 feet across the house to find out whether someone's really trying to call me, or whether it's just "the warranty center" calling to let me know that the warranty I don't have on the car I don't own is about to expire, etc.
  2. Some people insist on texting me at my actual phone number, rather than at the Google Voice number I usually give out. Texts to Google Voice come to my email, which is also always open and glanced at every few minutes. Texts to my actual number don't.
There are respects in which I miss the days when someone who wanted to get in touch with me had to hope that I was home and that my phone line wasn't busy, or else physically come over or put a stamp on an envelope.

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