Friday, August 06, 2021

I May Be Changing Browsers ...

... which is a pretty big deal for me. I've been using Chrome (or, on Linux, Chromium) since it became available, and every time I've flirted with another browser, I've quickly gone back "home."

But Vivaldi (which is a Chromium-based attempt to re-create Presto-era Opera, which I did like pretty well) seems, so far, to load and render pages faster than Chromium on the Raspberry Pi. It seems to handle YouTube videos more quickly as well (less churning, quicker non-choppy play).

BUT! That may just be because it's a virgin browser that hasn't been loaded down with extensions and so forth yet. I may add some stuff to it. Or I may look at regular desktop apps to replace some of the Google stuff I use in Chromium.

My plan is to stick with Vivaldi, and play with it some in addition to doing work stuff, until Monday morning (in other words, through the next edition of Rational Review News Digest) and then make my (always provisional and reversible, of course) decision on switching.

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