Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Can't Say as I Really See the Difference

I don't know if I've ever recommended The Bryan Hyde Show here on the blog before, but if not, consider it recommended. I hate to immediately follow that recommendation with nay-saying, but I'm gonna. From the description for today's show:

It used to be fun to watch sports. That was before woke culture began projecting its groupthink through various athletes and organizations.

I haven't been listening to Hyde for long enough to know that it's true in this particular case, but usually when I run across such statements, the people making them are kind of late-comers to the "just play sports, leave politics out of it" spiels.

That is, I don't recall hearing those people bellyache about all the militaristic / flag-waving crap that's been part of sports for a looooooooooong time, and to a mindlessly overbearing degree ever since the "war on terror" started, presumably because the US Department of Defense shells out big bucks ($53 million between 2012 and 2015 alone) to have sports teams put on the pageantry.

While I tend to agree that if I turn on a football game I'd rather see football than politics, I don't find "hey look, that guy's taking a knee" any more boring or silly than "put your hands over your hearts for the national anthem while the marching band forms a giant flag on the field, accompanied by a color guard and a kazoo orchestra made up entirely of quadruple amputee combat veterans."

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